InfoASN adalah website yang menyampaikan informasi/berita sesuai perkembangan informasi ASN (PNS, CPNS dan PPPK) terbaru serta Sekolah Kedinasan, serta latihan soal Seleksi Kompetensi Dasar CPNS dan Sekolah Kedinasan.
InfoASN adalah website independen, tidak berafiliasi dengan pemerintah maupun dengan pihak manapun.
InfoASN is not an official government website and has no collaboration with the Government.
InfoASN is a website that delivers information / news according to the latest information on the development of ASN (PNS, CPNS and PPPK) as well as Official Schools, as well as exercises on CPNS Basic Competency Selection and Official Schools.
InfoASN is an independent website, not affiliated with the government or with any party.
InfoASN is not an official government website and has no collaboration with the Government.